Quarterly Newsletter - June 2020

Friends of PATH;

Greetings! I hope this letter finds you healthy and hopeful! If I were asked to sum up the last 3 months in a phrase, some options might be: “One day at a time” or “This too shall pass” or “Lord willing". At Path, our goal was to stay open and provide services to women in need as long as we were able.  Praise God, we kept our doors open, staffed and ready to serve.  As we all know, staying flexible in such a fluid and changing environment is key to being successful. Therefore, rather than having our regular Pregnancy, Childbirth and Beyond class with multiple clients we have met with clients one-on-one as needed.  We have limited our daily client appointments to be able to keep up with cleaning and sanitization. Also, we are keeping the office limited to staff and call in volunteers as necessary.  Lastly, we put a hold on all traditional fundraisers and Baby Bottle Drives and opted for virtual options. We know that as this storm passes the future is still unknown...Click to Continue Reading

Deb Cain