Quarterly Newsletter - September 2020

Greetings Friends!

As we enter the 4th quarter of this very strange year, I keep thinking of a quote from Winnie the Pooh’s sad, little friend, Eeyore, “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” We are blessed at Path in so many ways, so rather than listing challenges that non-profits are facing right now, let's focus on the sunshine! We are STILL open and serving women in need! Our staff and volunteers continue to be healthy, willing and able to be at Path for our clients. Finally and most importantly, God’s daily provisions are endless. Path continues to be financially stable. We thank God everyday for our community of supporters and ‘surprise gifts’ that have been given to our organization. We were also blessed with another grant through the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation specifically for our Childbirth Education Program. Path is currently the only ‘in-person’…Continue Reading

Deb Cain